CHAWAN MUSHI(pot-steamed hotchpotch)(?_?)
I belive those who love egg must like this Japanese traditional dish, CHAWAN MUSHI, which is pot-steamed hotchpotch. Easy to make with microwave!
Ingredients: Two cups of Dashi-soup and two eggs. Mushrooms(Shiitake), gingko nut(peeled ginnan), chopped chicken, shrimp and green vegitables.
1.Make Dashi-soup. Again, Dashi is very important and key to make Japanese food. You can make with Dashino-moto(instant Dashi powder). Mix with beaten egg and dashi(need make it cool before mix)
2.Seasoning ingredients(cut mushrooms, shrimp, chpped chicken and ginkgo nut) with soy sauce and salt&pepper before putting them into a bowl.
3. Pour 1. into 2.
4. Heat it in microwave 30-40 min with 170c. Make sure put a lid before heat.
5. Garnish with green leaves before serve. Enjoy!
Mostly, CHAWAN MUSHI is served with a small bowl, but if you are not satisfied with such a Japanese size bawl, you can make with big bowl like sweet pudding!
This make you warm and make you feel happy (^o^)/
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